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Personal Self Storage Solutions

Personal storage units are a great solution for when you need more space in your home, e.g., during renovations, or you need space to store your things when moving between homes.

A safe space for the things you love

Once you find the right space, give us a call, reserve your space and lock in your free truck and driver service.

If you wish to use this popular offer – we recommended booking early as our trucks do fill up quickly. We also recommend coming down to the office to inspect the space and meet the property manager before renting. When you’re ready to pack and move, we’ve got boxes, furniture and mattress protectors and plenty of other packing materials you’ll need to make your storage experience stress free and convenient.

Rent a Space Security Systems

Once you move in, you lock it, you keep the key and are provided with a security code which gives you access to your goods 365 days a year. All of our self-storage is invoiced month to month in advance and you can change your space with absolutely no penalty. Give us 2 weeks notice and we’ll provide any unused rent so you won’t pay more than you’ve used.

Rent a Space makes self storage easy, convenient and flexible.